The Anderson Family

The Anderson Family

Monday, March 19, 2012

March Madness!! Birthday and Basketball.

March has always been one of my favorite months, only because it's my birthday month! Unfortunately now I have to share it with basketball.  But...I guess that's okay.  Every year I become more of a sports fan. :) Also, there is a rule that we won't watch basketball on my Birthday, unless it's what I want to do.  So, some may think that 22 is pretty young, which it is, but it sure feels a lot older than 21! Especially when I think that I will be 23 next year.  It's way weird that I'm getting older.  I feel like I'm staying the same age, but everyone younger than me is catching up!

I started my day off at work at the Psychology Department on campus.  My awesome boss gave me this plant.  I took some pictures at work, but they are on the school computer.  I'll have to post them later.

My birthday dinner at Wingers.

Jevan made my cake.  Rainbow chip frosting in the middle and chocolate on the outside.

He's always so meticulous!

We decided it looked like a giant oreo. :)

The finished product in my brand new cake display/container thing.  I don't know what they're called, but I love it!

The traditional birthday cake pose.  22 baby!

This is a posed photo of me blowing out the candle.  Jevan accidentally missed the real thing.  So, this is me pretending I'm blowing out the candles.  Looks a little goofy. haha.

The giant bracket Jev made for March Madness.  He spent quite a while putting it together.

He updates it constantly.  We recently taped up the brackets we made online below it, because I was always forgetting which teams I picked and should be voting for.

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